Invisalign® Clear Aligners

Do you want to straighten crooked, crowded or widely spaced teeth, but don't want to wear braces? Invisalign treatment could be the answer. This orthodontic treatment uses clear and comfortable aligners that are virtually invisible on your teeth and can be removed when eating.

To find out more and whether you're suitable for Invisalign in Perth, book a consultation at Ocean Reef Dental Surgery to talk to our experienced dentists. Call us today on 08 9307 6700 or make an online booking at a time that's convenient for you.

What are the advantages of Invisalign?

Invisalign clear aligners provide a more discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces for straightening teeth and correcting other minor to moderate orthodontic issues.

Compared to braces, Invisalign aligners:

  • are less visible in the mouth
  • cause less pain and discomfort
  • don't affect what you can eat
  • make brushing and flossing easier
  • require less frequent appointments with your dentist

How does Invisalign treatment work?

Invisalign straightens teeth in a similar way to braces, but using a series of removable aligners rather than fixed brackets and wires. These aligners are made from a soft, transparent plastic that fits comfortably over the teeth.

Your dentist will take digital images of your teeth and design your custom aligners using Invisalign software. Each set of aligners should be worn for several weeks before being replaced with the next set, gradually moving your teeth over the course of your treatment.

Your dentist will arrange check-ups every 6 to 8 weeks to check your progress and provide your next few sets of aligners. To ensure a successful outcome from orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, it's important to wear your aligners at least 22 hours a day, ideally only taking them out when you eat, brush and floss.

Am I a suitable candidate for Invisalign treatment?

Not everyone is eligible for Invisalign treatment. This treatment can correct most minor to moderate orthodontic problems such as overbite, crowding and gaps in teeth, but it may be less effective if you have a more complex condition.

Our dentists at Ocean Reef Dental Surgery offer a choice of Invisalign treatments for different needs:

  • Invisalign Full – usually straightens teeth in 12–18 months using 30–50 sets of aligners
  • Invisalign Go – if you only need minor correction, this may be achieved in just 4 months
  • Invisalign Teen – designed for older teenagers, with compliance indicators to check that the aligners are being worn for the recommended time

We will examine your teeth and jaws using x-rays to determine whether you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment or if you could benefit from another orthodontic option, such as discreet braces.

Book a consultation

Find out whether Invisalign clear aligners are an option for you by making an appointment with our dentists at Ocean Reef Dental Surgery. We'll examine your teeth and explain all of your options so you can make a decision you're happy with.

Call 08 9307 6700 or contact us to book your Invisalign consultation today.

Invisalign and the Invisalign logo, among others, are trademarks of Align Technology, Inc., and are registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Our Services

Our team of highly skilled dental professionals offering a range of services:

Opening Hours

Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed

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