Teeth Whitening

Teeth come in a variety of shades, and discolouration happens for a variety of reasons. For some people, discolouration can happen even if they follow a strict oral hygiene routine and see their dentists regularly.

If you want your teeth to be a little whiter and brighter, a whitening treatment could be the answer. These come as either a take-home kit, or are carried out in the dentist's chair.

Why does teeth staining occur?

Many common foods and drinks including coffee, wine and blueberries can stain the enamel of our teeth if we consume too much over time.

As a general guide, the more deeply coloured a food is, the more chromogens it will have. These chromogens are tiny compounds which release pigments that can stain the teeth, and this discolouration can prove highly stubborn. What's more, foods that have a higher acidity can actually dissolve the outer enamel of the teeth, making them even more prone to staining.

Diet isn't the only thing that can stain our teeth. Tobacco smoke will almost certainly discolour teeth over time (in addition to some serious health risks, as well). Genetics can also play a part - no matter how rigorously you follow a good oral hygiene routine, sometimes your teeth may naturally appear less white than others.

Yet another way that our teeth can become discoloured is through the ingestion of the antibiotic tetracycline, especially when it's given to children under the age of eight.

How safe is teeth whitening?

As is the case with most dental treatments, it's normal to have a few questions and concerns regarding the procedure itself. Consultation with a qualified, experienced dentist is almost always the safest way to whiten your teeth while keeping your oral health in mind.

When you visit your dentist to enquire about whitening, they will assess your eligibility for the treatment, as well as ensure that your oral health is in a suitable condition before you undergo treatment. Not all patients are suitable candidates for teeth whitening.

Discomfort duirng treatment is uncommon, while mild discomfort due to minor sensitivity may occurr afterwards. This discomfort will fade quickly over time.

It is best to check with your dentist about any individual circumstances that could increase your likelihood towards sensitivity or associated risks.

What are my teeth whitening options?

At Ocean Reef Dental Surgery we offer both in-chair professional teeth whitening and a convenient take-home whitening solution.

Professional in-chair whitening

In-chair teeth whitening can take up to one hour for treatment and is clinically proven to achieve up to eight shades whiter teeth^. In-chair whitening is the quickest and easiest way to get a whiter, brighter smile. In-chair whitening treatment is carried out by your dentist and is safe and effective. You'll even be given a top-up kit to take home with you, when you leave - so you can maintain your whiter smile from home.

Take-home whitening kit

A take-home whitening kit allows you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home. The do-it-yourself kit includes a whitening solution and a custom-moulded whitening tray to be worn at home. Your dentist will adjust the solution to suit your needs and provide clear instructions for using the whitening kit.

What results can I expect from a professional whitening treatment?

Results from whitening treatment will vary from person to person, as teeth are unique to each individual.

The natural colour of your teeth will impact on the effectiveness of professional teeth whitening. As will the prominence of tougher stains. Some patients may require repeat treatment to achieve their desired results.

If you'd like to know more about professional teeth whitening, be sure to get in touch with us at Ocean Reef Dental on 9308 6700 or enquire online. Our team will happily answer any questions you have.

*Terms and conditions: Patients may require an oral hygiene appointment before undertaking whitening treatment. Any dental services required prior to undertaking this offer will be at the patient’s expense. Cosmetic treatments may not be claimable through your health fund. Not all patients are suitable candidates for teeth whitening.

^ 1 hour excludes preparation time. Gallagher A1, Maggio B1, Bowman J1, Felix H2, Clinical Study.

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Opening Hours

Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed

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